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There are SO many emotions associated with hearing loss. Our audiologists are very well equipped to help with the technical aspect of hearing loss, but sometimes they forget to talk about the emotional aspect of hearing loss.

Those of us who have hearing loss are impacted by it in many different areas of our lives. We live with those impacts every day. When we meet with our audiologist, they only see our hearing loss in a small moment of time- in their office. Let’s help our audiologists see a larger part of our lives by talking with them about the ways our hearing loss affects us and some of the hard emotions we experience. Here are some tips to get you started:

Here are some tips to help you talk about your feelings with your audiologist.

dear audiologist

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By Kristel J. Scoresby

I am an aca-clinician: part academic, part clinician. As a PhD candidate, I conduct research and publish my findings in scholarly journals. As a licensed clinical social worker, I meet with clients, collaborate with other therapists, and work to disseminate research findings. I am also (d)eaf. My hearing loss started at the age of 4 years old and progressed slowly over the years. I navigate the hearing world as bi-modal, with a cochlear implant, a hearing aid, and many accommodations.

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